Found this beauty on Tumblr!

Amber Daniels. Check her out at:
I saw this beautiful girl on Tumblr and I just have to comment on how nice she looks. And don't you just love those legs!

She has some very nice photos on her site! Just a wonderful T-girl to be admired!

Her name is Amber Daniels and this is what she says on her Tumblr site:

Hey all,

My name is Amber Daniels, I'm trans and I'm a from the West Midlands in the UK.

I recently started this blog up so that I could upload some of my stuff. Mainly piccies and hopefully some art work and writings.

I know that at the moment it's mainly just photos of me being vain and posing, however I do promise to update it further when I have some more time on my hands.

Love ya all very much,